On one chart they showed that ACIS is inside on other they showed there is no ACIS. That second was changed since I`ve read about it.
I`ve asked on their forum cause I`ve read few threads there about it and I want to make sure.
They sends only PRO version as trial so it`s impossible to check before buying.
If it`s true then it`s dirty move to write not truth on their site.
QUOTE: "PunchCAD, that is, ViaCAD and Shark and variants, was originally the 'retail' line that grew out of Concepts Unlimited. Punch! was bought up by Encore/Broderbund, Encore by IMSI in turn. Licensing arrangements have been subject to those realignments, ownership and management changes, the loss of Mesh-to-NURBS and even the removal of ACIS from base versions are an unfortunate outcome. It's useful to remember that Shark Pro V10 and PPPro have flexible license that enable installation on multiple PCs, even now. Installations can only be open one at a time, but V11 and V12 can't be multiple-installed, and to me, that's as great a loss as mesh-to-nurbs. Maybe time for dongles to make a comeback?"
this quote was from this site: http://forum.punchcad.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=39920#post39920