Dear Michael,
Thank you for answering my questions regarding V5 update.
This particular command is in 3D Rhino and I try it and very easy to be used.
This particular question you already gave me how to use the existing command in 3DMoi,
referring to Transform --- Orient but the Rhino command is very more easy to use and to align.
I am sending you an attachment explain to you what I am looking for to see it in your next
V5 update.
If it is possible to include the GUMBall into the 3DMoi, I am so happy to see it because the way you
manipulate the points is very easy. The one that 3DMoi have is good but it not like GumBall. Sometimes
I find it frustrated.
Thank you again. Your 3DMoi is fantastic. If you see the Gallery you can see my last project " Space 1999: Eagle Transporter"
all made it with 3DMoi V4 and rendering with Keyshot.
