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Full Version: I miss 123d Design (the Fillet master)

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Jun 2021   [#92] In reply to [#91]
You can take an Instagram free register even you have not a phone! ;)
Just for see some incredible things and even you don't post anything!

This page is a true gem : i burned my mouse's wheel! :)
From: LarryV
15 Jun 2021   [#93] In reply to [#21]
You can get a confirmed clean, original installer for the last version of 123D Design ever released from: . Make sure to download the 64 bit version, unless you have a 32 bit OS. I still use 123D as my primary CAD modelling tool to this day. You can continue using it in perpetuity despite it having been discontinued. To convert the CAD models you export from it to .OBJ or .FBX files you can use either MOI 3D or Unreal Engine's Datasmith feature. 123D is aretty powerful tool itself with very robust filleting functionality in its own right. But only supports rolling ball fillets.

I use MOI 3D for advanced stuff that would only be doable by approximation using Loft in 123D Design. Such as Transform => Deform => Flow and Transform => Deform => Twist. And more recently for making airfoils using Sweep, which is much more versatile and powerful in MOI 3D. You can even use 123D Design's Loft tool to make spirals but MOI is much better developed powerful there as well. Apart from that, pretty much anything you can do with MOI 3D you can also do with 123D as well.

What I like about 123D Design is its interface, which feels more familiar and intuitive to me, and how robust it is with filleting edges or deleting surfaces or faces of solids and implicitly automatically extending neighboring surfaces or facets to fill in and cover the resulting gap to keep the solid solid.
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
15 Jun 2021   [#94] In reply to [#93]
Thank you LarryV,

:-) I can say I love MOI! due to two main reasons (1-Speed! 2-Great community it has! they are very supportive! ( it includes the add-ons made by people for it!) but sometimes it doesn't fillet very well at those times I will use 123D design! :-)
From: co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
18 Jun 2021   [#95] In reply to [#24]
The web archive link is safe. The official link only allows a 32 bit download so it won't install on Win10. The web archive 64 bit works and runs I only performed a Norton Internet Security scan on the .exe, but it came back clean so I installed and it's running.
From: Tover (TOVERMORAN)
28 Jul 2022   [#96] In reply to [#1]
Thank you Zarkow! This has been a life-saver. Add to toolkit! :)

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