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Full Version: I miss 123d Design (the Fillet master)

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From: Michael Gibson
30 May 2021   [#72] In reply to [#70]
Hi Psygorn, it looks like you've got some edge fragmentation in the surface before you shell:

the other thing that's kind of problematic with your shape here is with this edge being a trim curve on a plane:

If you make a blend off of that, these edges will not be smooth to each other even though the surfaces are smooth where they touch:

If that edge was a natural edge of the underlying surface then you would get both surface and edge smoothness there.

it would probably be best to make that one single longer surface instead.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
psygorn_shell1.jpg  psygorn_shell2.jpg  psygorn_shell3.jpg  psygorn_shell4.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
30 May 2021   [#73] In reply to [#71]
Hi Psygorn, for the tiny edges it would be good to get rid of them using Merge.

"There are tiny edges that were not selected by Blend"

Blend does not itself select edges, to make the blend include the tiny edge you would need to also select those tiny edges before doing the blend so they are included. But getting rid of them would be good too.

re: "And Blend makes it warped"

Blend is deciding to reverse one of the edges, you can override that by clicking on the edge while in the blend options, it will then flip to the direction you need.

But Blend might not be the best here anyway, it will make a surface that is smooth to the other surfaces but the "side edges" will not be smooth to each other.

You would get smooth side edges if the edges being blended were also natural edges of the underlying surface like if they were the end of a loft or sweep surface instead of being a trim curve that's on a larger underlying surface.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
30 May 2021   [#74] In reply to [#71]
Hi Psygorn, try shelling and filleting with this attached version. It's got both smooth surfaces and also "side edges" as well.

- Michael


From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
31 May 2021   [#75] In reply to [#74]
Hello and thank you Michel,

So I made refined the object a bit I used Extrusion , Blend & loft to create it then imported it in 123Ddesign and then after applying fillets imported it back to MOI.

But I saw an artifact! take a look at below image.

If everything goes well I can create a Linked-Star Object.

You can see one here: (@PILOU I think it is a good subject for rendering :-)

But it is not a solid object. it is a joined object. So, if I can rectify this issue I would be able to create a Linked star in MOI :-)


From: Michael Gibson
31 May 2021   [#76] In reply to [#75]
Hi Psygorn,

> But I saw an artifact! take a look at below image.

It appears to possibly be just a display mesh artifact, if you export out the export mesher works fine there. So just ignore that display artifact.

> But it is not a solid object. it is a joined object. So, if I can rectify this issue I would be able to
> create a Linked star in MOI :-)

Well it's pretty easy to see why it's not a solid, the end pieces are missing:

If you draw a line down the middle:

You can then select the line and edges like this and use Construct > Planar to build a cap there:

Use Edit > Join after those have been created to join the caps to the main piece to make a solid.

- MIchael

Image Attachments:
psygorn_ends.jpg  psygorn_ends2.jpg  psygorn_ends3.jpg 

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
31 May 2021   [#77] In reply to [#76]
Oh dear Michael u got me wrong! :-)

I was talking about something else!

I was talking about this 3dm file: It is the one that is a joined surface and not a solid! This is the one that if I could fix it I'd be happy :-)

The Object u showed in your previous message has to be open! I left it open on purpose :-) otherwise I cannot have my Linked-star object! :-)
From: Michael Gibson
31 May 2021   [#78] In reply to [#77]
Hi Psygorn, sorry I didn't understand properly. That other one looks like it has some pretty messy areas:

That sort of looks like pieces that were copied around a center point where the objects were not quite aligned with the center point.

Do you have a version of this before doing the filleting?

It looks like there are some areas that do not have naked edges, so one approach could be to delete problem areas and copy some good pieces without naked edges into that spot.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
psygorn_star1.jpg  psygorn_star2.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
31 May 2021   [#79] In reply to [#77]
Hi Psygorn, maybe it would be good to start a new thread for your star object and also try to share any .3dm files you have for earlier stages of the model.

It's a complex object and it would probably be a good idea to make sure the earlier pieces are very accurately positioned.

- Michael
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
31 May 2021   [#80] In reply to [#78]
Hi Michael, :-)

> That other one looks like it has some pretty messy areas

Yes I noticed that! but I want to learn how I can fix it! then MOI would be enough for me to create such complex geometries! (No need to mention I love complex Geometrical shapes :-)

>That sort of looks like pieces that were copied around a center point where the objects were not quite aligned with the center point.

Yes, U can do it yourself just try to make copies of the open object.

> Do you have a version of this before doing the filleting?

I already shared it with you :-) Do you remember "Single_Piece_Modified_with_123Ddesign.3dm" in theory you should be able to create the Linked-Star with that object.

But in reality I think you might face some issues and end up having a joined surface.
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
31 May 2021   [#81] In reply to [#79]
Hi Michael,

>maybe it would be good to start a new thread for your star object and also try to share any .3dm files you have for earlier stages of the model.

Ok, I will and What name you suggest for the thread? Linked-Star?

>It's a complex object and it would probably be a good idea to make sure the earlier pieces are very accurately positioned.

Of course I tried to have everything positioned perfectly but u know, it seems somewhere some deviation gets in the way!
From: Michael Gibson
31 May 2021   [#82] In reply to [#81]
Hi Psygorn,

> Ok, I will and What name you suggest for the thread? Linked-Star?

Sure that's fine.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
31 May 2021   [#83] In reply to [#80]
Hi Psygorn,

> I already shared it with you :-) Do you remember "Single_Piece_Modified_with_123Ddesign.3dm"
> in theory you should be able to create the Linked-Star with that object.

Do you have this piece before it was sent into 123Ddesign for filleting?

- Michael
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
31 May 2021   [#84] In reply to [#83]
Hi Michael :-)

I am getting the hang of it! I did it in MOI only! :-) But it is not fillet-able in MOI.

This time I made the whole Object in MOI then exported it as STEM and then imported the whole model in 123Ddesign. it was a bit hard to select edges I wanted to fillet but I can say it is doable! :-)

Edit: And if you want to see the filleted version it is here (I might have missed some edges) :


From: Michael Gibson
31 May 2021   [#85] In reply to [#84]
HI Psygorn, that's looking really good now! The MoI filleter seems to be having a problem where it's not extending fillets to meet each other in a some spots. It constructs a bunch of the fillet surfaces but it's not able to trim the main body because of the missing pieces.

And yeah this method of building the whole thing first and then putting fillets on at the end seems more manageable than putting on the fillets before assembling.

- Michael
From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Jun 2021   [#86]
Hi Psygorn,

nice model.

sjoo (R.I.P) invented the Linking Stars model more than a decade ago, based on a model
from Bathsheba Grossman and my friend Jotero an I did also remakes of the model.

Maybe interesting for you and others to take a look at. I included also a basic .obj file
you can use with MoI's sub-d importer.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Jun 2021   [#87]
And popularized by the stuning prog free TopMod! ;)
A topologic Modeler

Because it was some easy to build it with TopMod!
my little album

The UI of TopMod

From: amur (STEFAN)
2 Jun 2021   [#88]
Yes, the good old TopMod days. :-)

In the middle of the TopMod Gallery one can see sjoo's first LinkingStars design.

From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
4 Jun 2021   [#89] In reply to [#86]

Thank you for the information! I am interested in complex geometrical shapes.

I did not know sjoo(R.I.P) had invented linked-star! To me it is really interesting when I think there might be shapes or 3D object that could be invented!

Do you happen to know nice Forums in which people share knowledge about Geometry ( Specially 3 dimensional Geometry) I would like to know more about these objects. for example I just think there are similarities between Celtic knots and Linked-Star but I don't know for sure.

From: amur (STEFAN)
4 Jun 2021   [#90]
Hi Psygorn,

unfortunately, so it seems, the days of 3D MathArt are over.

My friend Jotero (Torolf Sauermann leader in 3D MathArt) run for
many years such a forum, where also sjoo, Pilou and others participated.

But he was many times ripped-off by companies and individuals and
also never received any support much, in form of, for example,

The only thing you can do is trying to find more resources about this
topic if you google for him, which may lead to other interesting links.

To get you started:

And google for 'Torolf Sauermann'

Sorry that I can not be of better help!

P.S. Brian, here on the MoI Forum, is the only remaining
person, who does 3D MathArt related things with scripting
in MoI.

Best regards
From: amur (STEFAN)
4 Jun 2021   [#91]
P.S. If you have Instagram you can follow Torolf there.

I do not have Instagram, but IIRC he shows there plenty of 3D Fractals.


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