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Full Version: Newb: help with Arm and belly contours for solid body guitars

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11 Aug 2021   [#96] In reply to [#19]
Thanks again for this - still using this technique and it makes gorgeous arm contours. :)
From: blowlamp
12 Aug 2021   [#97] In reply to [#93]
That's some beautiful work you are doing there - I think your photographer is getting a good deal!

I have Estlcam and Deskproto and it's surprising what these two apps are capable of. I suppose you are aware Deskproto has a free version (quite limited, but useful nonetheless), but the full version is very capable so it would suit your work well.

Just for information to anyone interested, the hobby version can be used commercially as long as sales amount to no more than EUR 3000

Other CAM apps I find to be very good are CamBam & Ecam. CamBam would probably do everything you would need as it has quite strong 3D capability along with excellent 2/2.5D functionality.

I use Ecam for milling and turning which again I find to be full-featured and nice to use. All these CAMs have strengths over each other, so I sometimes use them in combination, depending on what I need to do.

If you would like to compare the gcode of one of your parts running through any of these CAM apps, then just mention it here and I'll give it a go.

23 Mar 2022   [#98] In reply to [#97]
Thanks Martin,

I need to upgrade the CAM program. Estlcam is little limited - although it has been amazing for the price. I own CamBam but the learning curve is a little bit steep for someone with very little free time. That said, I try to spend a little time with it when I can. CamBam's interface seems a little cumbersome to me. Estlcam can spoil you because it is so intuitive. I'm torn between Deskproto and V-Carve pro - they are in the same price range but V-carve pro seems geared more toward the woodworker. Opinion?

Many thanks for the post Martin!
19 Jan   [#99]
Another guitar. Nothing new here - but I thought it turned out nice.

Image Attachments:
Gadda1.png  Gadda2.png  StarbirdgreenSM1.jpg  StarbirdSignaturebackSM.jpg 

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