There is a (minor) difference in the behavior of the concat2 node in MoI4beta.
It is a failure to release the mouse attachment to the node, under certain circumstances.
By clicking RMB on top of the concat2 node, one of three input configurations may be selected,
called Numbers, (numarray), Points, (pointarray), or Objects.
This should be done before attempting to wire the input with the wrong type.
In MoI4beta, "Dragging" a gold wire for Objects to the wrong input, Numbers or Points, and then pushing RMB and selecting Objects,
results in the proper input being changed to, and the wire attaches, but the mouse is then locked onto the node box.
The only way I've found to release the lock is to press ESC, and reload the file.
This does not happen in MoI3. Clicking the RMB releases the attempt to wrongly attach the wire.
>>2: Discover Javascript
Step 2 is maybe the pitfall hurdle obstacle stumbling block! :)
PS Nodes used are all native nodes renamed ?
As I have yet translated all native nodes in French that will be cool if you have a version with only native ones! :)
For example I don't see "CrankL" in my native list!
I follow this guy every day, day after day, but only for the pleasure of the show! ;)
(and i put Speed 2 : because we have only one life (not like cats who have nine! :D
>> How do you attach something to a Macro node ? <<
A macro node is just an empty container until node circuitry is put inside.
To do something it needs input/s & output/s that may be connected.
Try double clicking on an existing macro to discover what is inside,
or alternatively create a new macro, double click on it, and add some node/s
include input and output from menu drop down, and then click BACK on the nav bar.
yes, the secrets of the macros are finally discovered!
And you can save macros for reuse.
In the animator11.nod there are a couple of macros inside a macro inside a macro....
for example i made a if/else macro (f.e.: ><180) which i used for different cases...
Once you figured out a funtion -> save it as macro and reuse it for a different case...
Hello to all
a little exercise that starts
from a very interesting surface
the Oloid -
Some deformations , a wire that starts from
surface structure.... et voilà .....