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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: bemfarmer
30 May 2017   [#379] In reply to [#378]
Thanks Karsten,

I was unaware of idxSelect node, must be a mod node.

I see that the Compare node will feed into a math node.

I'll have to re-install the mod version, and clean up my directories.
I have multiple node versions and files in many various directories, subdirectories, SSD and Harddrive...

- Brian
From: Barry-H
30 May 2017   [#380]
I have managed to get a working node file for my problem as follows.
As before there are 3 segments
1) entry constant pitch. 720 degrees ( 2 rotations ) 10 pitch
2) Variable pitch middle. 1800 degrees ( 5 rotations ) 10 start end 30 pitch
3) exit constant pitch. ( 2 rotations ) 30 pitch
I have a slider set max to 5 rotations same as the middle section.
There is a bottle for each section with its own move profile.
The slider or in my case the quartz node controls all 3 segments.
The bottles are positioned as if all 3 segments had 5 rotations so
bottle 1 is placed 5 x 10 pitch away from start of segment 2
bottle 2 at start of segment 2 and bottle 3 at end of segment 2
It's basically a relay race if that makes sense.
In the animation the bottle seams to travel the full length of the screw
but in fact it is each bottle for its own section.
It's not an elegant solution but it allows to animate the movement and
check for clashes using Karsten's Boolean intersect.

Image Attachments:
Bottle Positions.png 

From: speedy (AL2000)
31 May 2017   [#381]
Hello Friends
Another exercise,
I managed to produce an interesting Texture,
applying some transformation to the Classics
Pyllotaxis ....
From: Barry-H
31 May 2017   [#382]
Hi All,
can someone tell me if this script can be made into a node.

script: /* Hide all edges */ var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps(); for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { breps.item(i).getEdges().setProperty( 'hidden', true ); }

Also how to add your own node folder and add to the Index as this as changed from the early versions.
From: bemfarmer
31 May 2017   [#383] In reply to [#382]
Hi Barry,
For a partial reply, my setup in windows7 is as follows:

At C:\ProgramFiles(x86\MoI3.0\ui,
I have the following:

a. subdirectory customui, (contains Max's customui)

b. subdirectory nodeeditor, (contains Max's latest stock version, 0.93)
(I did make a few minor changes such as Quartz, Different cursor, and lighter background color.)

c. subdirectory nodeeditor.93Mod, (contains Latest Mod version, with more content)

Under customui, to access item b., I have 99 NodeEdit.htm (no - sign), which has as its last line:

command="moi.ui.createDialog( 'nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );">NodeEdit</moi:CommandButton>

Also under customui, to access item c., I have 98NodeEdit2.htm (no - sign),
which has as its last line:

command="moi.ui.createDialog( 'nodeeditor.93Mod/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );">NodeEditMod</moi:CommandButton>

So either version of nodeeditor can be accessed through custom UI.

No comment on hiding edges.

- Brian
From: Barry-H
31 May 2017   [#384] In reply to [#383]
Hi Brian,
thanks for the reply. My thinking is to add my own node file ie:MyBits which I can add
my experimental nodes to.
The script I posted is one of Michael's but with my novice skills in javascript am not sure
how or if it can be made to work as a node.
Anyway thanks
From: bemfarmer
31 May 2017   [#385] In reply to [#384]
I think that that is the purpose of the nodes/extensions subdirectory, a place for "third party" nodes, but I have a lot to learn still:-)

Need to re-read Max's posts when he came out with version .85 (?)

- Brian
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
1 Jun 2017   [#386] In reply to [#384]
Hello Barry,

find attached a script file with comments as a object for your studies. Copy it to the extensions folder an restart moi and the nodeeditor - that's it.

Have a nice day


From: Barry-H
1 Jun 2017   [#387] In reply to [#386]
Hi Karsten,
thanks for the node it loads ok but doesn't hide the edges ?
I connect the selected object to it but no go.
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
1 Jun 2017   [#388] In reply to [#387]
Please switch under infos to visible -> no
From: bemfarmer
1 Jun 2017   [#389] In reply to [#386]
I tried out the Hide Edges node written by Karsten, and FINALLY got it to work, both with the Motor2 node, and also with Barry's bottle feed screw node,
and my model of a RH screw.

At first the node declined to work, when inserted right after get object.

The Hide Edges node needs to be inserted right before the final Output node.
Also, wire the input of Hide Edges, before connecting the output to the Output node, or a recoverable error results.

"Off" in the Node Info panel means that edges are turned off, or not visible.

Karsten, you have written a very nice node.

- Brian
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
1 Jun 2017   [#390] In reply to [#389]
Hello Brian,

Sorry for the error - I didn't tested it already. It is only a fast draft that should show, how it is possible, to hide the edges.

Maybe someone can improve it - I haven't the time at the moment.

Have a nice day
From: bemfarmer
1 Jun 2017   [#391] In reply to [#389]
Probably, if Hide Edges is inserted just after getting the object, other geometry nodes downstream cause edges to be re-displayed?

So put Hide Edges just before Final Output node(s).

On/Off can be changed from the Info panel, while the script is running.

- Brian

Karsten, the script is superb as is!
From: James (JFH)
1 Jun 2017   [#392]
Hi fellow Noders,

I am attempting to construct a parametric weave.
Attached are 2 failed attempts:
WeaveProto1 starts with a 3 dimensional point array with variable U & V + 2 in the W dimension, while
WeaveProto2 offsets 2 dimensional array in Z direction and bundles both arrays into a 3 dimensional array.

In both cases it was possible to selectively index weave in the WARP direction. However I was less successful with the WEFT weave (better with WeaveProto2, first row but not repeated)

Also even if the WEFT weave could be successfully indexed, there remains the issue of snipping the threads so that each row in both directions, is distinct.

Any thoughts?

Image Attachments:

From: Barry-H
2 Jun 2017   [#393] In reply to [#388]
thanks works great and having the ability to switch on or off is a bonus.
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
2 Jun 2017   [#394] In reply to [#392]
Hello James,

I don't have access to Moi at the moment, but a look in the file with an Editor shows me, that you used Concat2 for the Points??? Concat2 doesn't support a internal organization/grouping of pointarrays. So in my opinion, it is easier to generate 2 curves for both directions and make then a pattern of the curves. Nevertheless I will try to find some time in the evening (CET) and have a deeper look in the files.

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
2 Jun 2017   [#395] In reply to [#394]
Hi Karsten,

Thank you for getting back to me.

<<used Concat2 for the Points???>>
I used Concat2 on num arrays only. The point arrays were interleaved with Test/BundleArray which works perfectly for the application.

<<it is easier to generate 2 curves for both directions and make then a pattern of the curves>>
Yes it is easier, but also more limited. Ultimately I plan to map point arrays to compound surfaces for topographic woven skin.

<<will try to find some time...and have a deeper look in the files.>>

Thanks Karsten, I greatly appreciate it.

All the best
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
2 Jun 2017   [#396] In reply to [#395]
Hello James,

I have tried to maipulate the internal organization x-length and z-length of the pointarray, but the PointExt-node seems that it not support this feature/inputs at the moment. So I have to improve the node first. It is also possible to integrate the feature in the concat2-node, but that would cause wiered results with inputs of different length and wouln't help here.
The picture shows what I wanted to do:

With the xLength and zLength informations, the polyLine node can seperate the pointsequences and produces independent segments.

I will try to solve this in the next days.

Have a nice day

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
3 Jun 2017   [#397] In reply to [#396]
Hello James,

After a deeper look into the PointExt-Node I saw, that the feature is already supported - it was my fault. I've forgot to connect yLength. Find attached an example how to solve this issue.

Have a nice day


From: bemfarmer
3 Jun 2017   [#398] In reply to [#392]
Curve node may be used instead of polyline.
- Brian

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