& although it took a long time to create, once done it is possible to adjust thickness, tapers and
even move the 5 way connectors to the interior, so that 3 way junctions are on the exterior.
Unlimited variation: as is the nature of parametric design.
I am getting an error message when using curveLength node. (see below)
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.outputs[1].label = len[0].toFixed(2)')
moi://appdata/nodeeditor/nodes/extensions/infonodes.js line 74
70: out.addObject(inObj.item(i).clone());
71: }
72: }
73: this.setOutputData(0, out);
74: >> if(len.length>0) this.outputs[1].label = len[0].toFixed(2);
75: this.setOutputData(1, len);
76: }
77: crv_length.prototype.onPropertyChange = function ()
78: {
I have attached a simple .nod file. Can someone please run it to see if problem is universal or specific to my setup. I have already tried reloading both my v4beta & nodeEditor folder without fixing this issue.
Create a test directory for the Node Editor and call it with a shortcut. This way you keep the original directory and have a test area for playing with nodes.
The scripts in MoI often have Functions{} in their code.
The node programs do not seem to use such Functions{} very much.
Instead they use ...prototype...function().
So to use a function from a script, in a node, should they be written as ...prototype...function()?
I see that in the Lib folder under nodeeditor\nodes\extensions, there is a file called basicFunctions.js,
which is full of miscellaneous functions.
So when writing a node which uses a MoI script with functions, can or should I put the needed functions in a new lib file called, for example, basicFunctions2.js?
- Brian
It seems that the functions in basicFunctions.js can be (re-)used in any new node?
the prototype function gives the objects created by using the nodeeditor a uniform interface for the processing. Same method names for the various
Knots. So every code of the node creates a type. Later by using the node editor you create objects of these types with a uniform interface of functions.
You can of course use the functions in basicFunctions.js and also create a basicFunctions2.js. You can also write your functions to the same file as your nodes.
For more frequently used functions, it makes sense to store them in a library.
Two additional related questions:
1. Where would a function go in a node? Inside the .prototype.onExecute = function (), or
just before it?
I have not found any examples, as far as I know.
2. Is it necessary to "link" say basicFunctions2.js somewhere? Or is this already set up?
(I have not searched for an example useage of basicFunctions.js yet.)
you can find examples where to place "normal" functions in vector.js. If you want to create a lib of functions you can place it in the libs folder under extensions. Max has made an autoload for files placed in that folder. So no link.