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From: speedy (AL2000)
on second thought, after I responded, I arrived
to understand ..
(better late than never)
From: mkdm
Hi Karsten and everyone!
> "It's been a year since Max's first version!"
Thank you very much for the reminder!!
These are the main and fundamental steps of Project Elephant's history :
1) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 26 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"Today I wrote a test-script which can create and manipulate objects by using html5 graphics interface.
Everything works great. Html5 canvas, window and mouse events e.t.c.
So it is technically possible to write the grasshopper clone for MoI."
2) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 28 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"I've found great node-based editor! Litegraph.js
It's fast, small and free."
3) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 28 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"First real test. It works pretty good."
4) Thread "Parametric design in MoI?" 19 Nov 2015 (
Max's YouTube video : MoI nodeeditor preview
Thanks to Michael, Moi3D is a wonderful software but i think that there's a Moi BEFORE Max's contribution and a Moi AFTER Max's contribution.
I have nothing more to say.
From: speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten and Friends
a little test with the new Node
SplitPts, which I have used in an intuitive manner,
Do you wonder if you can get me some small example
how to use it
The outputs that you've highlighted in the attached image
What return?
thanks in advance
Ps-On this test, Blend is stable.......
try to move the Knob points you'll get a nice performance
of Blend Surf
Image Attachments:
CP-SplitPts and Blend-2.jpg
CP-SplitPts and Blend.jpg
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hallo Al,
the pointarrays that Max has designed are not so simple as it looks - welcome to the internals. Max choosed so called Euler angles (roll, nick, gear ) and a scale component to describe and transport also frames and scale factors. The node isn't made for the typical work - its more a possibility to make some vector math operations (mathematical surgery). So it is possible to read knots/nodes from fea files (CSV-Files node) and also read a e.g. displacement field of knots. With the split node you can add the components of the displacement to the components of the base knots and display the deformed knots - or maybe something else. I've made it for some test with fea stuff (placing spheres ...).
Have a nice evening
From: mkdm
Hi everyone.
I have written a new simple and useful node : "PointExt" contained into the file "basicExt.js".
It's almost identical to "Basic/Point" node and the the only difference is that my "PointExt"
exposes also the others PointArray's properties, that is AngleX, AngleY, AngleZ and pSize.
Using the great "Points2/spliPts" node (many thanks to its author) and my "PointExt" node I was able to "mimic" the behavior
of the node of which I spoke in some previous posts, that is, the node "ArrayMathTrasformations" that should do these things :
- Input :
- PointArray
- Math formula to apply to "X" values of each array element
- Math formula to apply to "Y" values of each array element
- Math formula to apply to "Z" values of each array element
- Math formula to apply to "AngleX" values of each array element
- Math formula to apply to "AngleY" values of each array element
- Math formula to apply to "AngleZ" values of each array element
- Math formula to apply to "pSize" values of each array element
- Output :
- The resulting PontArray
With the opportunity to include into every single math formula, a reference to the fields of the PointArray structure.
Here's the new nodeeditor_0_85_mod6 archive : that contains also my new "PointExt" node.
Here's a brief video :
And here's the .nod file :
Performances are rather weak but I think that with all job done in one single node (ArrayMathTrasformations) things would improve.
From: James (JFH)
Hi Marco
Thank you for these new nodes. To familiarise myself with them, I re-did Max's Twist exercise
using spliPts/PointExt. A Dynamic Duo opening up limitless possibility.
Thanks again
UPDATED to run on most recent NE (Jun18)
Image Attachments:
From: mkdm
Hi James.
You're welcome!
You did a very interesting nod file.
I hope that one day, someone more skilled than me in math, want to write the "ArrayMathTrasformations" node that
should pull all these stuff together (Math node + PointExt) into a single and faster node ;)
Have a nice day,
From: speedy (AL2000)
Hi Marco
Cool Node... PointExt ,
well done , clarifies the question which I put to Karsten
From: speedy (AL2000)
Hi Karsten and Friend
By continuing the exercise CP-Catenary , I have another question from ports of;
If you wanted to split the 30 curves obtained
with 10 points each
and then reuse these 30 groups of 10 pt each
to draw as many curves (each of 30 pt)....
see attached picture ( Rhino -Gh)
Is it possible to do it ?
which nodes can I use?
many thanks
Image Attachments:
CP-Catenary continued-2.jpg
CP-Catenary continued.jpg
From: mkdm
Hi James (again)
Here's a little upgrade of your Twist2 nod file.
Here's the Twist3.nod :
And here's some screenshot : and
I think that would be a good thing if we put at the end of all our posts with nod files this notation :
"These nod files requires <node editor version name> downloadable at <url>"
These nod files requires "nodeeditor_0_85_mod6" that contains also my new "PointExt" node downloadable at
- Marco (mkdm)
From: James (JFH)
Hi Marco,
Cool update .nod file.
>>i think that there's a Moi BEFORE Max's contribution and a Moi AFTER Max's contribution.<<
I fully endorse your concept of the "Maxian Calendar" as we enter year 2 AE (Anno Elephantus)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hello Al,
I'm working on that at the moment. We need a multiple pathArray for that. It was clear for me, that you will ask and I agree with you it's a elementary function. But there a 4 problems at the moment: time, the performance of the pathArray, knowledge of JS and knowledge of the elephants internals. Performance:pathArray could be replaced by a node that only gives unoriented points - the rest is still difficult.
Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hello Al,
have a look in mPathArray and switch under Infos to "cross"- connect your curves and connect the output to Curves\Curve interpcurve ...
The node is very untested!!!
Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten
Excellent, it works fine
you are a " Maestro"
many thanks
have a nice afternoon
Image Attachments:
CP- Solved Catenary mPath_ArrayNode.jpg
From: mkdm
Hi everyone,
As agreed in previous posts, I upload here the file "nodes_V0.85_mod6.xls",
containing an updated version of the infos of all my nodes with the new "Basic/PointExt" (column Authors : Marco (mkdm)).
Here's the file :
This xls file relates to "nodeeditor_0_85_mod6" downloadable at
P.S. Karsten, when you will consider to be stable the new "mPathArray" node contained into points2.js file
(downloadable at post :,
please update a new "nodes_V0.85_mod7" version of Project Elephant and create the new "nodes_V0.85_mod7.xls" file.
Thank you.
- Marco (mkdm)
From: speedy (AL2000)
Hello Friends
It ends another week .....
another test of Boolean Intersect
works fine
Have a happy weekend to all
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Message 7777.167 was deleted
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hello James,
the flowObj node have to be changed to multiprocess. At the moment - only one target. The second problem is, that you try to use a rectangle as base surface. Try using SubDiv/selCenterPlane. I will have a look, to change the node to multiprocess in the next days.
Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
Hello James,
very untested!!!
Have a nice day
p.s.: Very interesting experiments here - thanks to all!
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