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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 May 2019   [#1497]
Thanks like that is more easy with all the previous and future multiple changements!
From: mkdm
7 May 2019   [#1498]
After years of (almost) unheeded requests, someone did it :)

Thanks a lot James for your new POST about Node Editor :)


From: James (JFH)
7 May 2019   [#1499] In reply to [#1498]
I'm glad this made you happy. In fact I did think of you when I was posting.

I have been thinking about you recently, or rather your SelectCurvesByContainer script.
Would it be a lot of work to wrap it into a node?

I only ask because I think it would be a real boon for NE. What do you think?

Anyway all the best,
From: mkdm
7 May 2019   [#1500] In reply to [#1499]
Thank a lot James for your kind words :)

@You "I only ask because I think it would be a real boon for NE. What do you think?"

Unfortunately, as you can see, recently and during the whole 2018 (and now) I almost abandoned all my practicing and working and studying of the 3D world (both modelling and rendering) because actually I really have no free extra time to devote to this things :)

Actually almost all 3D things are really boring for me and I returned to my very first love in CG: studying and practicing 2D freehand digital painting (Photoshop on PC and Procreate on my iPad Pro).

Bu, with that said, as you can see, I sometimes take a look at this forum to see what's going on, for example new announcements from Michael or your wonderful creations with the Node Editor :)

You're doing great things with that tool!


Have a nice day.
From: speedy (AL2000)
8 May 2019   [#1501]
Hi Friends
Do not ever leave things unfinished ;
at this link:
for those interested, find the definition of Felix Candela Surf,
canonically generated from a hyperboloid surface
Have a nice day to all
From: mkdm
8 May 2019   [#1502] In reply to [#1501]
Thanks a lot AL2000!

Your experiments are to the "next level"!!!

Great and very complex things :)
From: speedy (AL2000)
8 May 2019   [#1503]
Thanks Marco
very welcome your comment
have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
9 May 2019   [#1504]
Grid lattice where connecting lines remain consistent in curveLength & consequently contract as curvature increases.


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 May 2019   [#1505] In reply to [#1504]
MC Escher dancing! Very visual tricky! Bravo!
From: speedy (AL2000)
10 May 2019   [#1506]
Hi NodeFriends
An interesting pattern "Celtic Knot"
the files at this link:
two versions, the second a little more elaborate
have a nice week end to all
From: James (JFH)
10 May 2019   [#1507] In reply to [#1505]
Thanks Pilou,
Here's a derivation with point attractor

From: James (JFH)
11 May 2019   [#1508]
Hi All,

Inspired by the shade system of the Al Bahr Towers.
Greenline is 3d helical curve attractor.

Haves a great weekend

NE folder can be found here:

Message 7777.1509 was deleted

From: mkdm
12 May 2019   [#1510] In reply to [#1509]
A "green blobby brain" ?


Wonderful experiments!!
From: James (JFH)
12 May 2019   [#1511] In reply to [#1510]
Thanks Marco,

The selection of green was an allusion to "The Hulk", but yes brainy as well.

The key to both these experiments is simple maths applied to z input of your "pointExt" node.
Neither would be possible without your contribution, so...
Thank you!

From: mkdm
13 May 2019   [#1512] In reply to [#1511]

@You :"...simple maths applied to z input..."

Simple...not for me :)

My contribution to NE was very basic and very simple, because math in not my "comfort zone" :)

Nothing comparable to what you and the other guys are doing here.

Only, I had some intuition (and many many others I had but no time to develop) and I hoped that someone ,much much more skilled than me in math, might be able to translate into actual code to improve that idea.

For example, when I have written the script for the very first real working implementation of a "Lasso selection" in Moi, it was really a fun for me to code that script.
I was hoping that someone would improve it but, as I've said, I really have no other free time to devote to these things in Moi (and now I even don't know where I saved my original source code!)

Guys, you're doing incredible things with the Max's NE!!

Moi to the next level!

From: speedy (AL2000)
13 May 2019   [#1513]
Hi Friends
A simple and schematic representation
incredibly beautiful and surprising mobile screens
designed by S.Clatrava
for the Museum of Art in Milwuake (US)
file at this link:
Have a nice day to all
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 May 2019   [#1514] In reply to [#1513]
Cool! Like birds' wings!

From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
13 May 2019   [#1515] In reply to [#1514]
hi pilou,

i have really liked the short videos you post. i was wondering how you create and post them. they are a very effective way of conveying information.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 May 2019   [#1516] In reply to [#1515]
I just use this free little true gem! ;) Perfect for little things!

I have made the French Manual! ;

If you want big beast of video this one is very cool too! (free till 1/4 hour )

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