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Full Version: MoI 3D - Dark UI

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From: Axel
13 Dec 2019   [#20] In reply to [#18]

is that also for the latest beta of v4 with the new dimension tabs?

It's all a matter of personal taste. I was just looking for something dark because it's simply better for (my) eyes instead of starring on something bright. The Cody's one I really liked. The one below is also good. I think the very first from the topic opener was for Mac only?

From: pior (PIOR_O)
13 Dec 2019   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Well, if I am not mistaken as far as the colors are concerned the only thing that matters is the .css file, you can ignore everything else in the zip. The OS doesn't matter - replace the moi.css file from your installation with it and see if that works. It sure did for me on Win.

And then from there you can selectively chose what you want to override (probably a handful of icons, but that's about it), and also doing some editing in the .ini (and/or the regular options menu in the application itself) for things like bgcolor and antialising.

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