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Full Version: Voronoi Script or plugin

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From: Michael Gibson
10 Feb 2016   [#35] In reply to [#34]
Hi Daiber, that's going to be a pretty difficult style of model to create in a CAD program like MoI which is overall more focused on generating stuff from curves.

Polygon modeling tends to be better for more organic type shapes that have a melted like structure to them - those are programs like Cinema4D, Modo, Silo, etc... - they use a different style of 3D model construction than what MoI is focused on.

It probably would not work very well to try and build it in MoI - it would be possible to build a sort of curvy individual cell by creating several outlines and moving them in Z from each other and then using Construct > Loft, but it will be difficult for those cells to then be blended with each other where they connect up.

Polygon modeling programs use a technique called "Subdivision smoothing" which basically melts and smooths the initial cage all over, it tends to work better for the type of thing that you're asking about here and it is very likely that the original model that you're trying to duplicate was done using polygon modeling and not with a CAD program.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Feb 2016   [#36]
This can't Works ?

_Voronoi >Erase Points > Select All> Plane > Trim > Select Edges > COpy Move them somewhere > Join > Delcorners>ExplodeMove.

ExplodeMove is an hidden native function of Moi !
Press TAb and write ExplodeMove (or shortcut).

Delcorners round all curves, edges, open or closed! By Max SMirnov

So you have your round VoronoI forms diverted
Put a plane with any form you want around the VoronoI forms
Boolean DIff = you have a plane with holes
Select holes
Extrude them with Taper option (or make a Revolve with a curve if you want curvated walls )
Boolean Union with Plane (erase tops)
Fillet if needing
That all! :)

From: Michael Gibson
10 Feb 2016   [#37] In reply to [#36]
Hi Pilou, what you show there works but it's kind of a different design than the original one, you've left more space around each cell and you have more of a flat area between them. The part that's difficult about the original one is having not much space between the cells and having the cells kind of melt into one another rather than being separated.

If you modify your example by moving the cells close to each other such that there isn't enough room for a fillet to fit, then you'll have a lot of difficulty.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Feb 2016   [#38] In reply to [#37]
Yes it was just a concept :)
But seems there is no fillet on the original ? - So I can approach the forms between them and don't make fillet! :)
The more difficult will be make revolve by Rail on each hole one by one :)

From: Michael Gibson
10 Feb 2016   [#39] In reply to [#38]
Hi Pilou,

> But seems there is no fillet on the original ?

To me it looked like there was a lot of blending and rounded edges in the original one.

- Michael
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
11 Feb 2016   [#40]

a possible way is to create the voronoi diagram with Max's script. Create a underlying plane and split it with the diagram. Then make a tappered loft with the plane fragments. Make a extrude with the outline of the diagram. Substract the frustrums from the box and delete the sidewalls and the bottom. Make a subdiv with Max's script. If you play with a second frustrum level maybe you get an equal result.

A nice day to all

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
11 Feb 2016   [#41] In reply to [#40]
p.s.: with a second tappered stage:-)

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
11 Feb 2016   [#42] In reply to [#41]
and a quick rendering with other parameters tap-angle/hight:-)

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
16 Feb 2016   [#43]
And another try:-)
Voronoi -> Split base plane -> select naked edges -> copy - paste -join - delCorners - explodemove (thanks Pilou:-))- extrude tapered with negative angle - select solids - union - substract from a cube | 5min fun!!! Then try to blend/fillet erverthing -> a nightmare - not only in Moi3D;-)

Have a nice day!

Image Attachments:

From: TpwUK
16 Feb 2016   [#44] In reply to [#43]
I'd say that's a cool result :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Feb 2016   [#45]
Nice try!

Maybe there is also something with Pile of Sand theory!

Don't know if a such program exist and if there an output volume mesh?

here in 2 D ;)

From: Michael Gibson
16 Feb 2016   [#46] In reply to [#43]
Hi Karsten, that has turned out well! But yes I would expect it to be very difficult to fillet something like that.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Feb 2016   [#47]
Even you don't buy! ;)
All the site is marvelous!

Build one line!

growing a hyphae pendant lamp from Nervous System on Vimeo.
From: GonzoRus
2 Apr 2016   [#48] In reply to [#47]
Hello everybody.

With the command "fillet" possibly rounded corners after "Voronoi - FatLines"?

I have error "Calculation Failed"

Command "DelCorners" rounds the corners, BUT! configure rounding impossible.

Image Attachments:
01_Voronoi - FatLines-Fillet.png  02_Voronoi - FatLines-DelCorners.png 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
2 Apr 2016   [#49] In reply to [#48]
Hello GonzoRus,

in the first picture upper right, there is a line that seem shorter than 5mm - typically that makes an fillet impossible. The fillet operation has to left a segment of the input lines - that may cause the problem.

Have a nice day
From: Michael Gibson
2 Apr 2016   [#50] In reply to [#48]
Hi GonzoRus, re: filleting failing - like Karsten mentions above it's probably because of the large fillet radius that you were trying to use there. In many areas it looks like you don't have enough space for a radius=5 arc to fit. The fillet will fail if you have that situation.

You would need to try a lower radius value for Fillet to have a chance there.

If you need more help or information about the areas where radius=5 does not fit, please post the 3DM model file with your curves in it so others can take a look at your actual model instead of only a screenshot.

Try using much smaller radius values like 0.1 , 0.2, 0.5, or 1.0 to see if those succeed ok or not, that's what I would be trying if you had posted the 3DM file. Or for a larger radius you might be able to make it work if you only select areas where there is space rather than trying to do the whole thing.

- Michael
From: GonzoRus
4 Apr 2016   [#51] In reply to [#50]
How to round corners quickly and easily? And with the ability to influence the "rounding diameter" parameter?

Rounding means "DelCorners" I understand how, but "DelCorners" does not support parameterization.


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr 2016   [#52]
All your segments have aligned Control Points!
Kill them and all will works fine! ;)

From: Michael Gibson
4 Apr 2016   [#53] In reply to [#51]
Hi GonzoRus, your outer curve there has difficulty with fillet because in one spot it contains a tiny little line, here:

Curve filleting on this shape will only work with a radius smaller than will fit on that little line. I found the little line by using Edit > Separate on your curve, then going around and clicking to select each large visible piece, then delete those or invert the selection.

If you want to fillet at a large radius you will need to remove little tiny pieces like this from your curve. I've attached an updated version of your file where I removed that tiny segment and moved the endpoints of the neighboring ones together to reclose it, and this one will now fillet up to a radius of 4.8 or so, that's when it runs into the next smallest piece. If you wanted to fillet at a radius larger than that you might try doing it in stages and selecting just some of the sharp corners to fillet at any one time until you find the areas where you would have to rework the small segments in order for a larger radius to fit.

- Michael


Image Attachments:
VoronoiFillet1.jpg  VoronoiFillet2.jpg 

From: glmr
8 Jul 2016   [#54]
what is polygons and curves in output menu of this script? are they not active or I'm doing something wrong?

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