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Full Version: Voronoi Script or plugin

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From: Ryne Lee (GLDMACHINA)
15 Mar 2018   [#168] In reply to [#75]
this look so wonderful
From: mkdm
15 Mar 2018   [#169] In reply to [#168]
Thanks Ryne Lee for your appreciation.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Mar 2018   [#170]
A synthetic vegetal! :)
From: mkdm
15 Mar 2018   [#171] In reply to [#170]
LOL :)

...I'd really like have the chance to Print in 3D some of these my "sculptures" to see how they appear physically.

But I haven't any kind of experience in 3D printing and I don't know if, for example, I can ask to the Printing service : "Hey, this is my 3D-Coat model in super high poly count, take it and print it and do a good job" or if I have to "decimate" it before sending to the printing service.
But I don't know how this decimation would alter the smoothness of the model, and so on...

Actually I have zero experience in 3D Printing. It's an unknown "place" for me :)

Maybe some of you here could teach me the "very basics steps" for sending a 3D model to a 3D Printing service, before I waste time and money :)

Thanks to everyone who will help me in this "endeavour" :)
From: mkdm
15 Mar 2018   [#172] In reply to [#171]
Hi Michael.

P.S. ....maybe a new Thread called "Very basics of 3D Print a model made in Moi or 3D-Coat" could be created...

But I don't know if this new thread could be too "off topic" related to this Moi Forum.

Michael, what do you say, do you think it's a good idea to create here this new new thread ?
Is it possible ?

I stay tuned.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
15 Mar 2018   [#173]
Never made this sort of thing but
This site is very well done! Of course I see the French one! ;)
And will give you all advices!
From: bemfarmer
15 Mar 2018   [#174] In reply to [#172]
After 2.5 months backorder, Prusa i3 MK3 Kit, 3D printer, is leaving Prague, Czechia, for USA.
- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
15 Mar 2018   [#175] In reply to [#172]
Hi Marco, sure that would be fine to create a thread for basics on 3D printing, please feel free to do so.

- Michael
From: mkdm
16 Mar 2018   [#176] In reply to [#175]
Hello Michael.

@You "; ...please feel free to do so..."

Thanks a lot.

ASAP I'm going to create this new thread.

From: Roni
5 Jan 2020   [#177]
I'm looking for a plugin that can create an actual 3 dimensional voronoi structure, not just a 2D voronoi pattern that is used with Flow or Extrude (revolve, sweep, loft etc.) The one I'm talking about as on the image.

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Jan 2020   [#178] In reply to [#177]
Flow function is not sufficient ?
Your image is a particular honeycomb structure!
From: Roni
5 Jan 2020   [#179] In reply to [#178]
I think it's a voronoi structure and the points are spread in a space not only on a plane.
From: Michael Gibson
5 Jan 2020   [#180] In reply to [#177]
Hi Roni,

> I'm looking for a plugin that can create an actual 3 dimensional voronoi structure

I'm not aware of any MoI plug-in to do that, maybe you can find some other tool that would generate it as a polygon model file.

Seems like maybe Matlab, Rhino/Grasshopper ( or might be good places to look.

- Michael
From: Roni
5 Jan 2020   [#181] In reply to [#180]
Thank Michael, I'm going to have a look at it , I just rarely like to leave MOI3d , everything is very convenient there.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Jan 2020   [#182]
Seems you can make some 3D voronoi with only 2D ones ;)
i don't remember How I made that: a moment of inspiration! :D

From: amur (STEFAN)
9 Jan 2020   [#183]
Hi Roni,

I did with my friend Jotero lot's of 3D Voronoi Volume Mesh stuff in the past.

I am not aware of any tools for MoI that allows you 3D Voronoi points sampling
to obtain surfaces from them.

However, I attach a small tutorial (in German language) so that you can see
how one can do it with freely availabe Polygon Mesh Tools.

Please Note: the mentioned GTKRemesher, for obtaining excellent triangular
meshes is no longer available, you need to search the web to obtain a similar tools.

Best regards


From: amur (STEFAN)
9 Jan 2020   [#184]
Another option would be to try to get the tool "GEEX",
which was once available from a French researcher in
this field. GEEX must be compiled and runs only under

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Jan 2020   [#185]
Does the Jotero forum always existing ?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Jan 2020   [#186]
Just find this free tool online :)
Result is in PLY so use MeshLab for convert it !:
From: Rudl
9 Jan 2020   [#187] In reply to [#186]
as I remember also Blender can make 3D Voronoi.

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