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Full Version: Voronoi Script or plugin

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Mar 2018   [#111]
Best thanks is use the Max's scripts! ;)
From: mkdm
8 Mar 2018   [#112] In reply to [#111]
Yes Pilou!
You're right...but I think that maybe a public thank could b a nice thing for him....I don't know :)
From: danperk (SBEECH)
8 Mar 2018   [#113]
Thanks Max!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 Mar 2018   [#114]
With the little trick above :)
(2 different grids Isected then ExplodeMoved: one with Corners =0, other Corners = 100 )

PS Subdiv (not applied here) don't works with all volumes ( surely some > 5 polygons! )

From: mkdm
8 Mar 2018   [#115] In reply to [#114]
Very nice!

A sort of "fragments of an exploded planets" :)
From: bemfarmer
8 Mar 2018   [#116]
Is it possible to add a file of points, as input to the voronoi script?

- Brian
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
9 Mar 2018   [#117] In reply to [#116]
Hi Brian

you can use ImportPointFile script (
then select points and run voronoi script
From: speedy (AL2000)
9 Mar 2018   [#118]
Hi Max
Thanks for all
some hope of having Voronoi tool in Nodeeditor ....
From: mkdm
9 Mar 2018   [#119] In reply to [#117]
Hi Max.


I wasn't aware of this opportunity!

Good to know. Thanks.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Mar 2018   [#120]
<< select points and run voronoi script

So... :)

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
9 Mar 2018   [#121]
>>some hope of having Voronoi tool in Nodeeditor ....
I don't know when. I have a plan to add a couple of new powerful features. It will be more important improvement than adding of voronoi node.
Maybe after that I'll add voronoi node.

>>The new thread I wanted to create should be : "PUBLIC THANKS TO MAX SMIRNOV FOR ALL HIS AMAZING AND PRICELESS JOB!!!"
Thank you Marco, but I think it is not a good idea :) The current amount of thanks is enough for me, so we don't need to create a separate thread. ;)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Mar 2018   [#122]
For leaves or fish's bones :)

From: mkdm
9 Mar 2018   [#123] In reply to [#120]
WOW !!!! Super coooool!!!!

From: mkdm
9 Mar 2018   [#124] In reply to [#121]
Hello Max!

@You : "...Thank you Marco, but I think it is not a good idea :) The current amount of thanks is enough for me, so we don't need to create a separate thread. ;).."

OK Max :)
Thank you very much for all your amazing plugins!!
From: speedy (AL2000)
9 Mar 2018   [#125]
Hi Max
>>I don't know when. I have a plan to add a couple of new powerful features. It will be more important improvement than adding of voronoi node.
Maybe after that I'll add voronoi node.<<
good sound for me , are your words
what else to say ...
good work and we hope to meet soon
Voronoi Node
have a nice day
From: bemfarmer
9 Mar 2018   [#126] In reply to [#117]
Thank you Max:-)
- Brian

Message 7177.127 was deleted

From: amur (STEFAN)
9 Mar 2018   [#128] In reply to [#126]
Hi Max,

i tried your script (old version) under OS X with 5000 points but i don't get the desired result.

For comparison i attach pictures from Adrian Secord's Weighted Voronoi Stippler (2) and MoI (1) script output.

I used his points output for x,y and added with sed z = 0.0000000 coordinates.

Attached is also the points file.



Image Attachments:

From: amur (STEFAN)
9 Mar 2018   [#129]
O.k. scaled now with factor 100, much better, but still not there.

Maybe i have to try MoI v4 with your latest version.


Image Attachments:

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
9 Mar 2018   [#130] In reply to [#129]
Hi Stefan

forget about the first version :)
Latest version uses different algorithm and it works much better.
Also it works fine with both MoI 3.0 and 4.0.

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