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Full Version: Changing ring size

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From: gunter511
14 Dec 2023   [#3] In reply to [#2]
As always you're a life saver, thank you so much for this.

The ring size looks great but I'm afraid Im not sure I understand when you say "cut away
a little bit of the space around the ends."

I assume you mean here:

And if that's correct, please could you guide me how to do that?

Much appreciated!

Image Attachments:
Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 19.05.20.png 

From: Michael Gibson
14 Dec 2023   [#4] In reply to [#3]
Hi Gunter, yes that's the spot.

Some space needs to be opened up there by drawing in some cutting lines and using the Edit > Trim command to slice the ends off of the resized part, then select edges and run Construct > Blend to make a smooth blend surface and finally Edit > Join to glue the pieces together.

I've attached a model where I've done that, the steps look like this:

Draw in cutting lines in Front view:

Select resized piece and use the Edit > Trim command to cut it with the lines to open up space like this:

Select edges and run Construct > Blend to fill in the space with a connecting surface:

- Michael

Ring 3.3dm

Image Attachments:
GunterRingResize1.jpg  GunterRingResize2.jpg  GunterRingResize3.jpg 

From: gunter511
17 Dec 2023   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Michael, you're a star! Thank you so much!

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