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Full Version: Plasticity 3D, again

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From: mjs (MSHIDELER)
14 Sep 2023   [#3] In reply to [#2]
I know, right?

He makes it sounds like the interface is for engineers and mechanical designers. Well, they surely can use it, but a traditional tool for that group would be a SolidWorks type package. MoI is so much cleaner and simpler. Cripes, it is easier to get around the menus that SketchUp is.
From: Grendel
14 Sep 2023   [#4]
That why some of these "reviews" are hard to watch....unless you are going to spend significant time with a package to become comfortable with it they just go off first impression with the bias of whatever they are used to. So if the package/layout is familiar to something they already use then its "easier" or "more intuitive". People have a habit of forgetting how long it took them to grow a skill set. A good reminder is to ask a person who knows nothing to try it...and then watch in horror...rofl
From: Michael Gibson
14 Sep 2023   [#5] In reply to [#4]
@Grendel - yes that's it exactly.

It's very difficult for advanced users to put themselves in the shoes of a beginner.

- Michael
From: PaQ
15 Sep 2023   [#6]
I have a really hard time to see any differences in the target audience and field between the 2 softwares.

Plasticity comes with pre-defined shortcuts (and some weird hidden combo key stuff), it doesn't make it more 'artist' friendly, maybe just more 'blender artist' friendly ?
Once you scratch the surface, when it comes to customization and key bind function, MoI scripts system is way more powerful.

Also Plasticity having more options for the meshing is such a strange argument, they are indeed more obscure linked parameters, however the way MoI creates Ngones meshes is on another level, it's not some sort of triangle merging post function. The 'divide larger than' applied only on "curved" is a polygon count saver for voxel workflow (zbrush, vdb etc).

When creating assets for game prototyping, I really have no shame in using MoI export directly in our game engine. Even the existing uv data is kinda usable for that purpose.
Snapping features and implementation, construction lines, object management, MoI is way ahead too ... ofc those are not shiny marketing features, but it's what makes MoI fast to work with personally.

The only (but big one) advantage of Plasticity is the fillets and surface continuity options ... The parasolid patch tool is just insane ...
From: Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
17 Sep 2023   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Hi PaQ,

> The only (but big one) advantage of Plasticity is the fillets and surface continuity options ... The parasolid patch tool is just insane ...

Yes surface patching abilities sounds a big deal.

I used Plasticity in it's trial version. (I did not purchase it after official release, so I don't know. I use to watch some YouTube videos and see some surface creating abilities that may not be found in current version of MOI, am I right?)

- Psygorn
From: PaQ
17 Sep 2023   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Yes I don't remember the exact release, but patch get a bit of attention not so long time ago. Studio get updates every 2 days or so it's hard to catch-up :S
From: Death
21 Sep 2023   [#9] In reply to [#2]
The interface and ease of use are what made me buy MoI.

Ten thousand Blender shortcut keys (which don't rhyme, regarding the keys, like Move is "g") are what made me NOT buy Plasticity.

AND: I need to model to exact specs, which is easy in MoI, but a pain in Plasticity.

Once Mike gets the filleting problem solved, there's no reason to even consider anything but MoI.
From: bossman
30 Sep 2023   [#10]
Another reason to hold off on purchasing Plasticity is that it's still in development, and the developer hasn't provided a clear timeline for adding important features. Why spend money on something that isn't a finished product and could leave you with a version that lacks essential features?

I honestly feel this cannot beat MOI3d, i do not believe the hype around it.
From: chippwalters
12 Oct 2023   [#11]
Blast from the past, I still visit these forums now and then. I have my own discord server and lots of times plasticity versus MOI is brought up to which you all know my preference.

FWIW, I know the narrator of that video, and he never goes very deep into any type of comparison video so I wouldn't put too much into it .

Since I now use Blender for just about everything, I still remember MOI as the most friendly community as well as the best product support I've ever known in any 3D product.

There are lots of NURBS wannabe experts in the Blender community. Most have little to no understanding of the difference between solid and surface modelers. I pretty much agree with what Burrman said in another thread that it would be good to compare Plasticity in quite a number of years going forward as Michael has already walked through those minefields.

18 Oct 2023   [#12] In reply to [#2]
I find MOI3D's ui much more user friendly then Plasticity.
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
18 Dec 2023   [#13]
Yeah, I recently bought Plasticity after reading all the hype, and while it certainly has potential, and is quite forgiving when filleting difficult edge scenarios, MoI's UI and UX is unequalled.

In fact, toying with Plasticity made me return to MoI, and rediscover and re-appreciate it, and its always sympathetic community.
From: Matt (KRITOKE)
18 Dec 2023   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Have you played with version 1.4? They just added more CAD type features, especially editing dimensions.

From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
18 Dec 2023   [#15] In reply to [#14]
Not yet. I've got 1.3.9 installed at the moment.

I just like MoI's ease of use more, creating objects with minimal effort. Somehow, Plasticity feels less accessible, maybe because I really like to use curves and curve shapes as a base for modeling solids, and that's so pleasantly easy in MoI.

I guess I'll keep Plasticity for difficult filleting scenarios, although having the choice between two kernels in MoI V5 gets filleting jobs done most of the time.
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
18 Dec 2023   [#16]
Also, I miss the realtime interactive history and the non-destructive mirroring of MoI.
From: krass
7 Jan   [#17]
Having tried plasticity, I can say one thing - there are literally several functions in which plasticity is superior to MOI3D. That's all. Otherwise, this is a very crude, unfriendly and inconvenient product to use.
Sorry, I didn’t want to offend anyone, but MOI3D has been the most convenient, understandable and amazing product for me for many years.
7 Jan   [#18] In reply to [#3]
MOI is the easiest to learn 3D modeling app I have every used. Love MOi3D. Only wish there were more youtube tutorials with audio narration on automotive modeling.
I find videos with out audio narration too difficult to follow. Perhaps it has more to do with my age (70 yrs old) and aging vision.

I have used the demo of Plasticity, but found it's ui very confusing. But it does have some interesting features.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Jan   [#19]
Moi= Rolls Royce
Plasticity = Ferrari
7 Jan   [#20] In reply to [#19]
Sorry but I have not seen the tutorial for modeling a Rolls Royce with MOI. Can you kindly provide a link?

Thanks kindly....
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7 Jan   [#21] In reply to [#20]
I have not said that : i have said Moi is the Rolls Royce of the Nurbs Modeling! :)

I you want see some cool old English cars made with Moi see MacGreggor!

7 Jan   [#22] In reply to [#21]
I am trying to find video tutorials of modeling cars with MOI3D AND NOT images of cars modeled with MOI3D.

I've seen plenty of images but there are hardly any videos WITH AUDIO NARRATION.

There are some video tutorials but they DO NOT have NARRATION, only CAPTIONS which I find very difficult to follow. One eye can not follow the mouse and the other eye follow the CAPTIONED text This is a very difficult task for me with my 70 year old eyes which are not as sharp as they were when I was in my 20s or 30s.

It's much easier to have both eyes on the video and both ears listen to the audio.

Cheers and thanks...

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