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Full Version: named view new script

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From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
22 Dec 2023   [#17] In reply to [#15]
Hi Peer,

Ah, now I get the Autoload function, sorry. I thought that meant that the last view would be automatically set after loading a 3DM scene, but it means that the last saved view is automatically activated.

That's great, thanks again!
From: pressure (PEER)
22 Dec 2023   [#18] In reply to [#17]
Hi Metin,

> but it means that the last saved view is automatically activated.

Not really. Autoload only works if there's exactly 1 saved view. If there are 2 or more saved views then it won't do anything.

- Peer
From: Metin (METIN_SEVEN)
22 Dec 2023   [#19] In reply to [#18]
That's fine, I usually need only one view. Thanks again!
From: BurrMan
22 Dec 2023   [#20] In reply to [#13]
“”””” Bingo!
Yes definitly verified ”””””

There was a setting in the custom ui that was a limit on how many items it would show. Years ago i had to change this to get wverything to show all the time.

I dont remember where, but if you are being “truncated” then look for this.

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