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Full Version: Delorean Alpha 5 (car modeling) in Moi3D

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22 Apr 2023   [#19] In reply to [#18]
I find it quite frustrating that there are very few car modeling video tutorials for MOI3D. Yet we see what can be accomplished when in the hands of a very talented modeler like Kuechmeister Swagger. However I am quite perplexed why there is never any audio. I find it rather difficult to have one eye on the screen watching the modeling process and my other eye trying to read the text. Adding an audio track would make the process so much easier to follow and understand.

Cheers and all the very best.
From: TMeeks
22 Apr 2023   [#20]

People are able to do amazing things with MOI3D!

It's always a joy to see it.


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