Nice Shaders...

 From:  Rich (-RB-)
Hi guys,

Not exactly a specific MoI question - but I figure someone on here might be able to help...

As an artist, I'm looking at exploring primitive shapes and colour gradients, a little like this guy:

I was looking at doing the basic modeling in MoI, then throwing the ONurbs into Rhino for some Grasshopper action - but turns out to bake your colour gradient functions you have to mesh your objects, and I'd like to keep the objects with that smooth nurbs shader look. Plus I'd like to output image to large format - not sure how I'd do this within Rhino.

I was thinking maybe Processing, or Jitter, but again you have to mesh.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how I could achieve that beautiful smooth look on my geometries, have some control over the colour, and export at a high quality?


- Rich