Reshaping form using control points?

 From:  Michael Gibson
5183.12 In reply to 5183.9 
Hi Burr,

> What about History on Deform? Is that in the works?

It actually works already right now - you have to enable history updates on the generated object though by selecting it and doing Edit > History > Enable Update. After that if you edit the target surface the flow will be recalculated and the deformed result will update.

I've attached here a 3DM file with it set up - this has a sequence of history all enabled in such a way that if you turn on control points for the right hand curve here:

And then edit it it will automatically update the deformed result like this:

There's a sequence of history set up there where that curve has been mirrored and then lofted between the mirrored pieces, and then the loft result used as the target for the flow.

When you edit the curve, it updates the mirrored one (which I've locked so it's not too easy to accidentally select it anymore) then it updates the lofted result and then since Flow used the lofted surface for the target it then updates the flow too.

Both mirror and loft have history updates enabled on their outputs by default - Flow does not have it enable by default so you have to select its output and enable history updates on it before you will see history being applied to it.

- Michael