Hotkey and UI requests

 From:  rich (RICHKEAR)
5141.7 In reply to 5141.6 

re: #1-
>Were you expecting for the Top/Front/Right ortho views to switch to a perspective projection instead?

Yes. I did not realize that Moi3d is designed with the separation between 3D and Ortho views as you describe.
Since I almost always work in a single viewport, I was hoping that I could set my hotkeys up to duplicate
my workflow from other programs, ie. top view to perspective to side view to parallel to front view etc. In short, yes, I had
hoped to hotkey back and forth without having to select the 3D button. Since this is not possible, I will adjust.
I would prefer to work in Perspective and never use Parallel except that Parallel allows closer and more controllable zooming.

re: #2-
>Also if you adjust the view in any way by any kind of pan, zoom, or (in 3D view) rotate, then the next reset will target selected objects.

This is the thing that trips me up. It loses control over the rotation about the selection.
If I select something, hit reset to zoom in, rotate around the selection, make a pan for a slightly different
view the center of rotation around the selection is lost and my desired selection spins out of my field of view when I again rotate.
I then have to begin all over again.

This is really related to a thread by 3DKiwi:

I believe what was being asked for is inherent in my request, to zoom to selected but not to lose rotation about selected so easily. This is
invaluable when working on small detail, and is not solely poly modeler behavior.

re: #3-
Beautiful! Just what I was looking for.

As always, thanks so much for your spontaneous and precise responses.
