Hotkey and UI requests

 From:  Michael Gibson
5141.4 In reply to 5141.3 
Hi Rich,

> However, if you are in any of the ortho views (top, right etc.) the
> scripts do not work unless you first hit the 3D button or hotkey.

Hi Rich - those scripts should work no matter which view you are in to start with, but the script only manipulates the projection of the 3D view so you will only see the result of the script when you actually make the 3D view visible by going to either Split view or 3D view mode.

If you are in maximized Top view for example, then when you trigger that script yes you won't see any change because it's only changing the 3D view's projection and that view is not being displayed right then.

Were you expecting for the Top/Front/Right ortho views to switch to a perspective projection instead? That's not possible - those ortho views are only set up to display a parallel projection, it's only the 3D view's projection that can be altered to either parallel or perspective.

If you want something like a "Front perspective view", it is possible though to get that view by setting the 3D view to be perspective and then orienting it so that it is looking in the same direction as the Front view, you can set the 3D view to some specific direction by using the Options > View > 3D view angles dialog, and it is also possible to set these by a shortcut key script, see here for an example:

- Michael