Anyone wish to develop a custom script?

 From:  bemfarmer
Time for a script update.
This script functions pretty good.
There are still likely errors and mistakes.
Extra points have been moved to the end of the AFXTAB and AFYTAB arrays.

There is an AirFoil curve version, and an interpcurve version.

There is a narrow menu for MoI2, and a wider menu for MoI3Beta.

The leading edges and trailing edges have not been converted to radii, but this can be
easily done in MoI.
Using either the curve version, or the interpcurve version, I think there will be a (tiny) flat or bump spot, where the
radius joins with the airfoil "spline." (Seems to me the control points should be on the surface of the blade, via interpcurve...),
but for artistic work, they are both very close...

EDITED: 10 Aug 2013 by BEMFARMER
