Anyone wish to develop a custom script?

 From:  bemfarmer
Attached is another update for PropDesignGeo script, which includes mirror of the curve.

The mirror code is very similar to the arccenter code.

One peculiarity is that the Base pt / End pt line appears on the screen, until Done or Cancel are selected. ?????

// To Mirror curve, using the CoordinateFrame:
// Create a point Object list, of the Curve points.
var CurvePtList = factory.calculate();
// The same Coordinate leFrame with same Base pt, pt_leArccenter, can be used.
var factoryMirror = moi.command.createFactory( 'mirror' );
factoryMirror.setInput( 0, CurvePtList );
factoryMirror.setInput( 1, leFrame );
// Set End pt. (pt on y axis works fine.)
factoryMirror.setInput( 2, pt_teArccenter );
// Save the current curve pt mirror.
AirFoilfactories.push( factoryMirror );