Distance command

 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4331.3 In reply to 4331.2 

I've join the custom distance file as requested. But beside the precision thing I like the temp line that's created more then I dislike having to save the file, so I suggest not doing anything to that part.

While you check this out, I'll check the reference you gave, may that will do just fine. Give me a few minutes to check it out.


edit: It seems I have an old version of the command, the htm file doesn't use "class" or "style" for the "TD's"

edit #2 I've modified the htm file to show fixed 4 decimal place and I can live with that but I still think it would be nicer if the command would reflect the option setting automatically. (Included new htm file)

EDITED: 13 Jun 2011 by FELIX
