The Blob

 From:  GarBob (GARY-MOI)
415.5 In reply to 415.4 
Hi Michael,

I was reading about the blob thing and then I saw the picture of wibble's fish and thought that I'd like to try that.

I started by drawing the top and bottom profile in the front view and then added the elipse for the 3d portion of the fish. I then did a sweep using the elipse and the top and bottom rail with no ends so that I could use show points.

I then drew kind of an airfoil/fin thing and projected it to the outside of the fish body and then I extruded one side using a path. I then created the three small versions of the end of the extrude and did a loft including the end of the extrusion. Then I did a boolean union of the extrusion and the loft and then mirrored it to the other side.

Before this I had tried top add a bunch of points to the side of the fish but no points were created.

How do I create fins with closed ends?

How do I close the front and back of the fish?


EDITED: 28 Jul 2018 by FINEMA
