"dynamic extrude"

 From:  Michael Gibson
3966.24 In reply to 3966.23 
Hi Burr,

> The dicing it up was just in response to you pointing
> out that i couldnt "pull little bit's around to make detail.."

Well I kind of meant more while you were still within that dynamic extrude tool, you had to add in some other tools to the mix like drawing in some other curves and projecting or trimming stuff with them.

But you're still not quite getting the same effect as box modeling with your latest example there because you've constructed something made up of separate surfaces and there's a hard creased edge where the surfaces touch.

One of the parts of box modeling is that when sub-d smoothing is applied all the protruded pieces all smoothly melt together.

In your hexagon example (where you were doing actual box modeling), if you switched to pull out just one top face after having pulled the front out, you'd get a kind of non-tubular shape with a lump just on one side but that was still all smooth which would be hard to replicate with your other method of just building several NURBS surfaces from curves projected on to a main body piece.

- Michael