Edit styles window

 From:  Michael Gibson
3846.3 In reply to 3846.1 
Hi Ed, sorry I had to run earlier so I didn't quite read your post closely enough - it sounds like what you are describing would not add much visual clutter since you're only talking about adding a + and - sign to the title spot.

But the problem is some of the other things you mention are already doing other things - like left clicking on an item will currently select the objects that belong to that item.

If the edit mechanism was to double click the item, that could potentially run into some trouble with that selection action, someone might end up triggering the selection action instead of the edit action for example. Double-click tends to be more feasible when single click doesn't already do something else. I actually try to avoid using double-click in general since it's kind of an awkward action.

Also right-click is also already used for something else - that also does a selection action, it makes that item the "isolated" selection by turning off selection from any other objects and only leaving that item's stuff as selected.

Additionally, having a - sign in the top that allowed for deleting an entry would seem to require some kind of selection of entries themselves within the browser. Currently everything you do in the browser acts on objects, there isn't any way to do a selection of the item itself, which would have to be some kind of additional mechanism added into the browser which would kind of compete with the existing mechanisms which perform object manipulation tasks rather than scene-browser manipulation tasks.

So that has the potential to add in a kind of "workflow clutter" by trying to overload both "list item" selection as well as "object actions" within the same UI.

Anyway, those are some of the problems...

- Michael