Beginner question on exporting objects

 From:  blarg
2603.7 In reply to 2603.5 
Hi Michael,

thank you for your very detailed answer.

> If you import it into Rhino as NURBS and render it in Rhino, Rhino also convert it into a polygon mesh in order to render it.
> Basically the normal way that NURBS are rendered in most programs are by converting it to a polygon mesh.
> So it is more or less the same thing if you export polygons from MoI.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought this happened at render time, in the viewport the model would be much lighter and easier to handle.

Your example with the star cut from a sphere has a very sharp edge at the border. For the stuff I do I need very smooth curvature in those areas otherwise it would not look convincing in the render. I have that control with Sub-D, but there is some stuff that is nearly impossible to do - like the shapes cut from a sphere.

I have attached an example where I made a nice fillet in MOI. It looks clean and smooth inside MOI, but I see no way transferring it anywhere where i can use a decent renderer to generate a nice picture from that - excpet Rhino I guess. I do not own that program nor have I ever used it , it is plainly the only NURBS package that I know the name of (besides MOI, of course). I know there are a couple other packages out there

So back to the star-cut-from-sphere-problem - is there any solution for this?