Deslection workflow

 From:  Michael Gibson
2218.2 In reply to 2218.1 
Hi PaQ - what's happening there is that Ctrl+click is not handled any differently currently from just plain click with no modifiers.

Just clicking on a selected object a second time will deselect it, whether Ctrl is down or not. Except in the case of clicking on a solid it will drill in to select the subobject and then you have to deselect the subobject with an additional click like you're describing there.

I don't think it should be a problem to use Ctrl+click as an "always deselect" though, I'll give it a try. That probably fits in pretty well since Ctrl+window select is used as a deselection window already.

One other thing that I can do when Ctrl is down is to target only selected objects - currently when you have something like a selected curve nearby other unselected ones, a preference is given to targeting the unselected ones so that those will become selected when you click. I think I can reverse this preference when Ctrl is down to make deselection a little bit easier for crowded cases as well.

- Michael