Scene managment....?...

 From:  Michael Gibson
2150.47 In reply to 2150.46 
Hi Diego, I was able to set that up pretty easily:

There are "x", "y", and "z" variables that you can use in an expression.

So for example there I entered "y" in for the X: value, to make x and y values equal to "squarify" the box (make sure to turn "Maintain proportions" off if you want to change dimensions independently instead of doing a uniform scale), and then "x/2" for the Z: value to make the height 1/2 of that starting y extent value.

But it is not quite the full package that you were asking for - this just handles the bounding box around an object, regardless of how it was constructed. So something like a cylinder is not treated any differently than a box.

I will be doing some custom editors for certain entities, but probably those will start out just with a line segment length and a circle radius. But actually since a cylinder has edge sub-objects which are lines and circles, just the line and circle editor should actually work pretty well for editing a cylinder as well.

Being able to edit any combination of the original values that an object was created with is going to be something that goes into a "history" editor which will be a different thing than this size editor thing.

Thanks for the feedback, that was a good idea!

- Michael