Smooth transition

 From:  Michael Gibson
2140.17 In reply to 2140.11 
Hi Pilou,

> Just a question : why the object of the first post can't
> be "explode"? (separate)

You can explode/separate objects that are made up of multiple pieces.

The surfaces in that original post are all just single-surface objects, they don't have multiple surfaces in them to explode out.

Same thing with the curves - those curves are made up of a single segment. Separate can be used to explode a multi-segment curve into individual segments, but when used on a single segment curve it will not have any effect.

I noticed that the original model does have several duplicate pieces stacked up on top of each other, 2 copies duplicated in one spot and 3 copies in some other spots. Is that possibly causing some confusion?

- Michael