Object properties progress

 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
2127.47 In reply to 2127.16 
Hi Michael,

The object properties panel idea looks great.

For another object organization example, Xara has a simple naming concept, having cross-grouping functionality.

In the example, I have assigned the name "two rectangles" on two gray rectangles. (See picture)

When I select only one of them of them, only half of the red circle displays next to the name shows. If I click on the empty circle next to the name tag, the corresponding objects will be selected.

I could have created another name tag with the magenta rectangle and one of the grey ones.

The name gallery also serves as a selection filter as it contains many parameters of existing objects in the current file. For example, if I were to click on arial, all the text of this type would be selected.

This is a relatively misunderstood feature in Xara and few people use it as I understand it.
But I found it quite a good idea and it widely surpass layers as an organization concept.


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