Care Tyre Test

 From:  BurrMan
1971.10 In reply to 1971.9 
>>One thing, i am very curious the method you use for the thread?

Strikingly and eerily the same as you! Except the way you lay yours out prior to an array seems more proper. Were you taught this as a technique or did you just figure it out? I did mine with individual components and a pure array. in ther words more of a fudge. mine would have not been good in a production environment and I need to create a technique thats easily replicatable for future projects. The low level thing is just a hair puller with unpredictable results. And as michael has stated, and I have prooved here, doing it this way means way down the road you may be stuck with no options to get a good result, and the only thing left is to start over from scratch! Not a great thinking process on display! But that's ok, I'm not proud!

As michael puts it, "A low level approach". I'm trying to change this behavior as it makes life difficult and modeling the simplist things are difficult, not to mention the sheer weight of my rubber max's out my normal computer and I have to switch to a more modern setup to continue.

I follow along in here and watch and learn many things. Most in here would Model a large rubber then boolean out the tread. probably a very light object created. The rubber you see there is a 15 mb file. Imagine rim, stem, stem cap, rim center detail....etc, etc.... Just one wheel would be a 50 meg file! What about the rest of the car? Ha!

Anyway, I'll post back maybe when I have both type versions.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN