Simple Shell

 From:  Michael Gibson
1624.4 In reply to 1624.3 
Hi Paul - that new one you mention involves surfaces being totally consumed during the offset. That tends to be a pretty complex area, I would not consider any kind of self-intersection or surface consuming type scenarios to fit in the "simple shell" category, sorry.... I don't have a whole lot of optimism that such things will happen anytime soon.

If you need more robust shelling with stuff like consumed surfaces / interfering offsets, stuff like that, it is not likely that MoI is going to do those jobs for you. You'll need to use something Pro/E, SolidWorks, etc... for that kind of stuff. That's not going to change anytime soon.

But I do think that it will be possible to get non-interfering and non-consuming situations to work better though.

- Michael