Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions

 From:  Michael Gibson
10465.20 In reply to 10465.19 
There will be a new UI theming mechanism for v5. The way it works is there is a new "themes" folder inside the Moi appdata folder. Themes are created as a sub-directory under there.

A theme contains a defines.inc text file which sets up symbol definitions for things like:

The UI has been updated to use those symbols, like moi.css will have color:$$TEXT_COLOR$$; in it.

When moi.css or any .htm file is loaded it will be scanned for $$symbols$$ and have the value from the theme's defines.inc expanded in place of the symbol.

The theme folder can also have its own moi.css file which will get appended to the end of the regular moi.css file when the theme is active, and any images in the themes folder will be used in place of the standard image.

There will be 2 themes built in to the standard install, "Default" (similar to the current standard UI) and "Dark".

There will be a theme manager UI where you can make a new theme (which will create a new theme folder in appdata) and adjust color values:

- Michael

