Dark Neutral Grey UI Complete with Instructions

 From:  thejinx
10465.17 In reply to 10465.16 
Hi Jack, thanks so much for putting all of this together, it's super useful and has saved me tons of time!

Just wondered if a small niggle I'm experiencing with the theme is to be expected or not...

The command panels (Draw/Edit, Construct/Transform) are all open at once, which is fantastic and exactly what I am after, which looks just like this:

When I choose a command though, all panels except the one containing the selected command collapse, and I have to re-open the panels again.

E.g. If I create a primitive by clicking Box within Draw/Edit, this happens:

And when nothing is selected after the command has completed, the panels remain closed, needing to be manually re-opened (Draw/Edit collapsed):

Is there anything I can do to keep those panels open at all times, or at least to expand when I don't already have an active tool selection?

For bonus points, is it also possible to collapse the void at the top of the panel when the information/inspector panel isn't present, like this?:

Also, I had a thought when doing the install of your excellent ui; would an installation helper be of any use? A batch or exe file which could perform the various backups and drop the files into their relevant locations without needing further user input?

Seems like a weakness of how modifications work in general and might bring things like your UI to more people?

Anyways, thanks so much in advance!