New tips with SubD from Blender

 From:  pafurijaz
Here a new experiment with Moi3D and nurbs surfaces, this is a part of mi own path on modelling clean surfaces in Blender and imported these in Moi3D. I just discovered a new thing, by an intuition, from the approximation of NURBS and I noticed is possible to make solid from different patches when they are very close together
I've reduced the gap from two subdivided surfaces in Blender and I imported them into Moi3D and I was able to join them together very nicely and make a solid objects from those surfaces imported with different Control Vertexes . I'm going to new frontiers on surface modelling with both application.

below the example from Blender to Moi into solid :)

here two different blender surfaces with different Control vertex with a small gap between.

the imported surface and joined then added more surfaces with Moi and joined into final solid :)

More subD surfaces from Blender with different topology and CV in one solid edited with Boolean inside Moi3D nurbs :). Just discovered the basic rule for a good conversion and create a nice modelling with both application :)

EDITED: 18 Jun 2021 by PAFURIJAZ