Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.53 In reply to 9581.49 

In my original proposal for ImgSampler ( I had a point array input to dictate the numArray output length, perhaps this was the wrong way around. Maybe it would be far simpler if instead the image size determined the U & V dimensions of output point array.

Ideally then the image resolution could be varied dynamically with dialled input so that a higher res image may be imported and pixelated to suit the desired point array data. There is a lot of information available for pixelating images with JS & HTML online.

Essentially, this entails reducing the image size while retaining the display size with imageSmoothing disabled.
The pxWidth & pxHeight would then be the Unum & Vnum of output pointArray.


It might be useful to also include inputs for Urange and Vrange to set the size of the output grid of points.

EDITED: 20 Dec 2019 by JFH