Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.48 In reply to 9581.47 

Thanks for getting back to me. Did using a low res image input reduce the output number of points?

>> Unless there is an existing Node component that is being overlooked.<<

"Points2/PointsExt" node can be used to order a single point Arrays into a sequence of discreet arrays, however it necessary to know the xLenght, yLenght & zLenght. Assuming the point output correlates with the image input, a 60px x 40px image will be xLenght = 60, yLenght = 1, zLenght = 40.

To connect pointArray output to "Points2/PointsExt" node, use "Points2/SplitPts"node as intermediary
(only x y & z outputs need be used).

If this is a bit confusing, DM your beta js file & I'll demonstrate.

Thank you for your tireless efforts

EDITED: 9 Dec 2019 by JFH