Node Wish List

 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
9581.41 In reply to 9581.40 
I'm not sure if NodeEditor should be a default part of MoI, because IMHO most of MoI users NodeEditor don't use so often and I like that such excellent tool as like NE is, can be part of MoI as an "accessories", as well as all excellent scripts that are created by all MoI community. This is a marvellous example of people cooperation across the world.

I think that to MoI users would suit first more intuitive "grouping" instead of "style way" together with some form of primitive instancing like "copy/paste with adequate orientation of changed parts with same part name". In other words if I modified one part (solid, curve), so rest of parts with same name would be modified too with their own orientation in model. It would be great to have check box: "modify rest parts" in info panel :-)

In any case I respect for amazing work on nodes from James, Karsten and other Node experts.

I would like to know if it is possible to create node which respects law of reflection of light. It means to have point/flat light source (solid) with rays (curves) as an input and curved surface - reflector (rotate conic curve) with Rho as a variable. Rays impacted of surface would be reflected to the detector (plane) in specific distance. This would be very nice educative tool. 2D would be enough :-)
