Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.400 In reply to 9581.399 

I am looking forward to getting my hands on "Select_SubObjects" node.
Some commands like fillet, chamfer, offset, blend and extrude behave differently with curves, edges and faces.
For example, I'm not sure how to distinguish an index for a node like "offset". should it behave like an edge/curve index or a face index or an objectlist index ?

The variance of operation on sub-0bject types has already been dealt with for filleting and chamfering.
Maybe a similar approach is required for offsetting.

As you alluded to extruding behaves consistently regardless of input types,
Blending only works with edges and curves, so it may also require separate nodes or ideally separate modes within "Blend" node.

Does existing Construct2/Blend node work with your "Select_SubObjects" node?
