Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.398 In reply to 9581.397 
Thanks for your reply, MO
not sure about is if is it better to write a "select sub-objects" node and rewrite other nodes above to work with it....

I like the way you're thinking!

If there was an "index" output from "select sub-objects" node, then the nodes: Construct/FilletEdges & Construct/ChamferEdges would not need to be re-written. As for Construct/Extrude etc, would they not perform analogous to Moi menu tool equivalents and accept faces as inputs?

Certainly, the ability to manipulate sub-objects rather than separate breps to discreet surfaces, curves and points and, where necessary, then rejoining; will afford greater control of resultant geometry.


EDITED: 29 Jan by JFH
