Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.396 In reply to 9581.387 
RE: "FilletCurve" and "ChamferCurve" nodes

This is some impressive work. Indeed the facility for selecting vertices is such a profound contribution, that I really feel it is deserving of its own node.

As well as isolating vertices for fillet/chamfer operations, it could, for example add a trim point on a curve; and in the instance where there were coincidental end point, perform selective joining of curves; etc etc.

Also vertices could be output as points for the locating of other objects/geometry/vectors; or be the targets for operations (eg extrude to point).

Generally I am resistant to the tendency towards node library bloat, but in this case I believe that it would beneficial to take this facility for vertex selection out of your new nodes and universalise it into a dedicated node.

Either way; Brilliant work.
Keep it up.


PS Another thought: Could node have an "index" number array output as an alternative option?

EDITED: 28 Jan by JFH
