Node Wish List

 From:  mkdm
9581.39 In reply to 9581.36 
Hello Michael.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

"The reality is that the end result of what you're describing would not be very unique since Rhino/Grasshopper already exists in that role and has far more momentum and resources behind it than what I would be able to muster."

I understand your point of view. Clearly.

It's true...Rhino/Grasshopper is a super STRONG duo, but I anyway thing that Moi + Max's Node Editor with their "lightness" and easy of use could have been a great alternative.

Anyway...I don't want to bother you with these considerations.

I respect your's your job and you know what you need and what is good for you and your product.

Have a nice day and...take care :)

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio