Node Wish List

 From:  Michael Gibson
9581.36 In reply to 9581.34 
Hi Marco,

> I only wanted to say that it's really a pity that a MAGNIFICENT and AMAZING duo like Moi
> and Max's scripts (above all Node Editor) can't live a shared "story".
> I always thought that bringing Node Editor and all Max's SUPERB scripts into the CORE of Moi
> it could have been a GAME CHANGER for Moi.
> Something that could have been RAISED your excellent Moi to a greater, very unique, level.

Focusing my very limited time heavily on the node editor would be cool but it would probably be a product ending strategic error.

The reality is that the end result of what you're describing would not be very unique since Rhino/Grasshopper already exists in that role and has far more momentum and resources behind it than what I would be able to muster.

That's not meant to take anything away from Max's work, it's amazing what he has been able to accomplish and it's really cool that it's available. It's just not really feasible for me to focus on it myself.

- Michael