Node Wish List

 From:  mkdm
9581.35 In reply to 9581.33 
Hello James! Good to hear you too again :)

"...Don't be a stranger"

Well...I'm not :)

But , unfortunately or...fortunately, it depends on point of view :) as I've said some times here during the last two years, for the moment, the funny days when I had some good time to devote to Moi are gone.

From 2018 I never had really more enough spare free time to write something serious for Moi's scripting environment.

I'm always engaged in other different things regarding my "developer life" :)

But you reminds me the funny days when I had TONS of ideas for writing some cool and unique stuff, like for example the "LASSO" script (for what I know I was the very first to do a real (almost) working implementation of that), the "COMMAND FINDER", the "HOLES FINDER", and other useful stuff that I wanted to bring into Moi.

All the code I've written, although working, was nothing more than a "provocation" for someone more skilled than me in Javascript and Math related things, to bring some new cool stuff into Moi.

I had many other ideas into my mind that only waited to be translated into actual working code, but I never had time to do that and also never had the "math science" into my veins :)

Anyway...also I MISSED almost all the code I've written :)
I've found here and there only some stuff, for example the original post I've written related to the "final" version of the LASSO tool.

You can find it here:

And I also discovered that ALL the download LINKS still WORKS :) The files are still there :)

N.B. ************** All my stuff works ONY for Moi v3

Anyway...I just wanted to write here these few lines just to remember those funny days of coding with Moi.

You're DOING A SUPER JOB here and I hope that someone like you could take some of my ideas and bring them into Moi :)

Hello everyone and have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio