Node Wish List

 From:  mkdm
9581.34 In reply to 9581.32 
Hello Michael. Good to hear you again :)

"Hi Marco, yes unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day..."

I understand and respect your choice because I know very well the hard life of a software developer and of a "one man" company :)

And unfortunately this is a big limitation in some situation.
It's a situation that have its strength and weakness.

I know very's part of my life too.

I only wanted to say that it's really a pity that a MAGNIFICENT and AMAZING duo like Moi and Max's scripts (above all Node Editor) can't live a shared "story".

I always thought that bringing Node Editor and all Max's SUPERB scripts into the CORE of Moi it could have been a GAME CHANGER for Moi.

Something that could have been RAISED your excellent Moi to a greater, very unique, level.

I know that probably this situation never will and this is unfortunate for all Moi's community.

Ciao and...thanks for your constant support :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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