Node Wish List

 From:  MO (MO_TE)
9581.336 In reply to 9581.335 
I didn't know that "join" and "separate" commands can unify normals. Thanks you for your comments.
It's good to see a problem from different perspectives. Like the "Invert" mode that I was rotating normals around their "y" axis. (BurrMan mentioned "flip" factory but I didn't get it)

I've added a third option to the "RebuildSrf" drop-down menu. ( Still has some bugs)

is there a way to ensure that the rebuilding maintains the orientation of the original surfaces?

I'm not sure how to do that. That's why I've added the "Invert" mode. :)
I also changed the "Invert" mode so it flips the surfaces instead of rotating the normals.