Node Wish List

 From:  James (JFH)
9581.308 In reply to 9581.307 
Sorry Michael, again I got that wrong. The extrude node was set to "Long"; while the extrusion works as expected in "Union" mode.

However, the issue I have had previously, as it turns out, is not with the maintenance of face normals after separation but rather it seems, a limitation of extrude factory.

If you apply extrude to attached polyhedron (regardless whether separated or not) the extrusions does not conform to face normals, instead they're unidirectional.
I am hoping that the facility to show normals in NodeEditor may be step towards solving this issue.

Sorry again, I should have looked deeper before claiming that the issue was related to surface normals.
Great job with the latest BETA,

EDITED: 4 Apr 2023 by JFH
